The family is a gift from You, God Almighty, and You promise in James 1:17 that all good gifts come from You. Thus, Your family is a good gift that needs to be protected from the Coronavirus and my prayer is that our parents, grandparents, and older relatives at large will realize that our desire for independence is really Your hand in protecting them from Covid 19 in the name of Jesus Christ, who graciously protects us all.
We know that the family loves us and we are asking that they trust us enough to not feel disrespected, unloved, unappreciated, rejected, alienated, abandoned, neglected, used or taken advantage of by our desire to move out of their houses and into homes where we can socially distance and still help them in the name of Immanuel, who is God Almighty in human flesh. Why don't we go to the store for our parents and grandparents? We can keep our masks, face shields, and gloves on but take the gloves off while we are driving. Then, we can put on a new pair of gloves on before and after getting into the vehicle. Next, we can go into the store and get the items that they want and then we can self-checkout in order to head to the vehicle and we can leave their groceries at the door so that we can maintain our social distance. Afterwards, we can leave and return to the homes that You have graciously given us.
Even from my earliest childhood, You have given me the desire to become independent from the family because You knew that this global pandemic would occur in late 2019 and early 2020. You knew that this global pandemic would kill tens of thousands of people while making millions of others sick, King of Heaven. You knew it would happen, Master, although we did not, and You are the One who has been revealing this knowledge since March 2020. Just because the family loves us, Wonderful Counselor, does not mean that we have to put them at risk and we refuse to put anyone at unnecessary risk. Thank You for understanding, Faithful and True Witness, and thank You for Your gift of technology so that we can still serve You even while social distancing.
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