Writers Interactivetonyleonard
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Anthony E. Leonard (Tony)
(417) 725-4439 - tony@etastic.com - AnthonyLeonard.com

OBJECTIVE: Employment using my Masters Degree in Computer Science, 10 years Relational Database and Social Network Development experience.
Master of Science, Computer Science, 1997, Naval PostgraduateSchool, Monterey, CA.
BS, Business Administration, 1986, GlenvilleState College, Glenville, WV.
EXPERIENCE: Software Engineer, Internet relational database developer.
07/04 – Present   Engineer / Manager – Etastic, LLC: Leads complex projects from conception to implementation. Analyzes requirements, designs and tests solutions to satisfy requirements, implements solutions, and maintains complex distributed Internet relational database systems. Develops systems and component specifications that ensure achievement of desired hardware and software system capabilities. Implements system designs to satisfy end user requirements. Determines integrated hardware and software systems capabilities using structured analytical techniques. Leads, directs and supervises subordinate engineers in system lifecycle activities. Uses excellent written and oral communication skills to communicate design artifacts and requirements to a diverse group of developers, engineers, subject matter experts and users. Technologies used included UML, Linux clusters, cloud computing, SQL Replication, relational databases, in-house developed SCADA systems and network load balancing. 
1/04-7/04   III Corps Artillery Plans and Exercises Manager: Manager of a 7 person Simulations, Plans and Exercises Section that developed system specifications for simulations and war plans used by an 8,000 member organization. Responsible for determining integrated hardware and software requirements; communicating system designs to a diverse group of leaders, subject matter experts, and users; and supervising the implementation of integrated simulations and combat exercises.
6/03-1/04   M270A1 Battalion Executive Officer:  After redeploying from Iraq managed a 45 person staff subdivided into six sections: Personnel, Logistics, Maintenance, Operations, Information Systems, and Intelligence; oversaw a budget of $990,000 of funded requirements; and mentored 12 junior officers. 
5/00-6/03   Brigade Operations Officer and M270A1 S3:  Leader of an operation section responsible for Missile support. Conducted systems analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of multiple combat systems.
6/95-5/00   West Point Assistant Professor / Instructor (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) and student: Instructed computer science courses and directed the United StatesMilitaryAcademy’s Fundamentals of Computer Science Course in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. Served as a Project Manager to four different student teams as they developed usable software systems for the United StatesMilitaryAcademy.  Developed a Requirements Engineering System (FLARE) and wrote a professional paper selected for publication in the IEEE Journal of Software Engineering:
T. Leonard, V. Berzins, Luqi, and M. J. Holden, Gathering Requirements from Remote Users, Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Newport Beach, California, November 3-8, 1997, pp. 462-471. 
Skill Level
Last Used/Experience
Project Management
Currently used/10 years
2 Years Ago/10 years
Currently used/13 years
Currently used/7 years
Currently used/5 years
Currently used/5 years
LINUX Administrator
Currently used/6 years
Ada programming
8 Years Ago/6 years
Database Development
Currently used/13 years
System Administration
Currently used/13 years
HobbiesJogging, fishing, biking and golf
Author's Home URL: WritersInteractive.com/tonyleonardPages Read: 43316